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Minyarts: Bis zu 33% Rabatt auf verschiedene Artikel von Wild West Exodus – Tabletop-Games

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Ihr bekommt aktuell bei Minyarts in der Loot Box der Woche verschiedene Artikel von Wild West Exodus mit bis zu 33% Rabatt.

  • Armoured Justice Starter Set für 40,50€
    • Morgan Earp is as cold and methodical in his notions of the Law as the automata under his command. The sound of the steel-shod boots drums fear into the hearts of the innocent and guilty alike.
    • includes seven miniatures, a rulebook, tokens, templates, dice and the Action and Adventure card decks

  • The Conquistadores Posse Set für 35€
    • Of all the outlaws operating on the Union Frontier, the story of Juan Ponce de Leon and his Conquistadores is by far the most incredible. Ponce de Leon is a nobleman with a delusional mind. Having emerged from the Florida coast with claims that he is the very same man who set out in search of the Fountain of Youth nearly three hundred years ago, he believes that he and his Conquistadores have been granted eternal life and, with them, he now explores this new world like a travelling lord. Along the way, he has broken countless laws and found himself righting wrongs where he finds them – upholding his view of justice where he can.
    • includes six miniatures

Die Figürchen gibt es scheinbar nur in diesem Shop, weshalb ich keinen Vergleichspreis angeben kann.

Die Lieferkosten betragen 5,90€ und entfallen ab 59€ Bestellwert.

Ihr müsst die Mini-Figuren noch selber anmalen und ggf. zusammenbauen. Es sind keine Character Unit Cards dabei, diese könnt ihr euch jedoch von der Wild West Exodus website runterladen. 

🩺  vom Doc aktualisiert und hochgeholt

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